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رشاا 01-11-2007 02:53


Thanks a lot Aber


عابر بلا أثر 02-11-2007 04:54

شكرا لمرورك

الدموع الحزينه 02-11-2007 05:03



عابر بلا أثر 02-11-2007 06:01

you are more than wellcome

thanks for stopping by

ملكة البراءة 08-11-2007 04:17

Thank You

عابر بلا أثر 08-11-2007 04:18

you are more than wellcome

wellcome back to the forum

oOoلسع ـة شقاوهـoOo 09-11-2007 12:25

thanx #3aber#1

lovly words

accept my pass



sajedah 09-11-2007 12:34

Nice words. when we miss others we try 2 sacrify as much as we can 2 see them, so i think missing is more than rain drops we catch and miss. thank you

عابر بلا أثر 09-11-2007 04:45

thank you all for stopping by

Sajedah what you wrote up is really awesome

take care

الحلوه مره 09-11-2007 02:09

missing .... missing .... missing

so deep word

hope u never miss close one

thanx alot


الساعة الآن 11:43.

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منتديات روعة الكون