منتديات روعة الكون

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R lover 28-06-2007 11:57

Even Angels cry
Hi Boys and girls i wrote this poem and i just wanna know what you
think about it.......... thnx for stepping by

What A damn is this life
you cant live without lie
and if you tried to live in pride
prepare to live in cry
you always look at the poeple passing by
looking at them & how beautiful they are
and u wont try 2 see them from inside
coz u r afraid from what u r going 2 find
so you take asigh
and cloze ur eyes
and remember that u have u own lies

So you hold ur tears
which they can clean up ur fears
and teach you how to live in peace
and how nice to be free
but you hold them
coz u r afraid from what people might see
A happy angel is full of tears

Im sick of this life
i wish i can die
and leave all things behind
and start anew life
But the sorrow always find the way 2 my way

So when i lose the hope
i look at the sky
and i find a bright shine
Then i hear awarm voice in ma mind
saying 2 me in pride
"thts ok u can relax now
cry and shout loud....."

and when theres no hope left to find
look at the sky
as stars as you can see
doesnt matter how you feel
theres always will be some one near

الملاك الحزين 28-06-2007 07:30

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

شكرا من قلبي على هاذا الجهد الرائع والمميز

وشكرا على نشاطك في منتديات روعة الكون

ارجو الاستمرار بهاذا الابداع

R lover 28-06-2007 09:01

Hey thnx alot for reading apoem
and thnx for stepping by

رسمتك للبدر صور 28-06-2007 09:30


walOoOoOdy 28-06-2007 09:35

السلآلآلآلآم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركآآته

بسم آلله الرحمن آلرحيم

يسلمؤؤؤؤؤ على الموووضوووووع الرآآآآآآآآآآئع ويعطيك ربي آلف عااااافيه

والله لايحرمنا من جديدك ومن ابداعاتك

واتمنى الاستمرآآآر في هذآ الابدآآآع



R lover 29-06-2007 11:25

first of all im girl
second thnx alot for ur comments guys
u r da best

الساعة الآن 12:07.

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منتديات روعة الكون