حمل احدث نسخه من مضاد الفيروسات Avast! Home Edition 4.7.1029

Avast! 4 Home Edition is a full-featured antivirus package designed exclusively for home users, non-commercial users. Home Edition is free of charge, since in our opinion, it is possible to avoid global virus spreading by efficient prevention; however, many user are not able or do not want to pay for antivirus software.
Title: Avast! Home Edition 4.7.1029
Filename: setupeng.exe
File size: 15.55MB (16,309,944 bytes)
Requirements: Windows (All Versions)
License: Non-Commercial Freeware
Date added: July 29, 2007
Author: Alwil Software
حجم البرنامج :
15 ميغا
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