هـــــــــذا البرنامج بمحتواياته انشاء الله يكون المطلوب
حصرياً برنامج تحرير وصنع الدي جي الجديد : Pioneer SVJDL01 DJ
اقوى برنامج على الاطلاق في تحرير وصنع الديجي ....

البرنامج خطيييير مرة في التحرير
ومميزاته اقصد بعض مميزاته :
1/ له واجهة محترفة سهلة الاستخدام
2/ تستطيع اضافة مؤثرات على اجزاء معينه من الصوت
3/ يستطيع او يعرض الجزء من الثانيه في الصوت
4/ فيه زووووووووم يصل الى 0,000000001 ثانية
: حمل البرنامج وستجد المميزات التي لا تحصى
Pioneer SVJDL01 DJ
71 MB | Application | RAR | English | ftp2share
Pioneer’s new DJ software was designed for professional and amateur DJs to enable full-scale DJ play on a PC. The software offers the same playability and functionality as the company’s Pro DJ products, using a PC instead of two CDJ turntables and a DJ mixer.
The DJS software also has a ripping function for converting CD, line input signals and wave files to .mp3.
The graphic user interface is intuitive and easy to understand. It follows the same ergonomic design used in all Pioneer CDJ products and mixers. The display shows everything a professional DJ needs to see, including: time, BPM, mixer controls, jog dial, hot cue buttons, etc.
The DJ can assign basic functions to a particular key on the PC keyboard. By doing this for frequently used functions, the DJ can establish his or her own playing style – on a keyboard. In addition, the sync feature automatically beat matches the cued track to the track that is playing and a powerful effects program mimics the effector features of the DJM600.
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