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كلمات اغنية ReeL LOVE

منتدى اللغات الاجنبية

آخر 10 مشاركات
ذكريات المنتدى 2007 م أين هي ؟
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(الكاتـب : norhan2000 ) (مشاركات : 0)
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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 28-10-2007, 12:35
الصورة الرمزية الحكومه
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2007
المشاركات: 22
معدل تقييم المستوى: 111
الحكومه يستحق التميز

افتراضي كلمات اغنية ReeL LOVE

اهليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييين فيكم
نورتو الصفحه بوجودكم
اليوم جايبه لكم كلمات اغنيت Reel loveللفنان
مساري انشالله تعجبكم

"Real Love"

Girl, girl I'm goin' outta my mind
And even though I don't really know you
I must've been runnin' outta time
I'm waiting for the moment I can show you
And baby girl I want you to know
I'm watching you go
I'm watching you pass me by
It's real love that you don't know about

Baby I was there all along
When you'd be doing things I would watch you
I picture you and me all alone
I'm wishing you was someone I can talk to
I gotta get you out of my head
But baby girl I gotta see you once again, again
It's real love that you don't know about

Girl, girl I'm goin' outta my mind
And even though I don't really know you
I must've been runnin' outta time
I'm waiting for the moment I can show you
And baby girl I want you to know
I"m watching you go
I'm watching you pass me by
It's real love that you don't know about

Every night when I would go to sleep
I couldn't stop dreaming about you
Your love has got me feeling kinda weak
I really can't see me without you
And now you're runnin' round in my head
I'm never gonna let you slip away again
It's real love that you don't know about

Every now and then when I watch you
I wish that I could tell you that I want you
If I could have the chance to talk wit cha
If I could have the chance to walk wit cha
Then I would stop holding it in
And never have to go through this again, again
It's real love that you don't know about

Girl, girl I'm goin' outta my mind
And even though I don't really know you
I must've been runnin' outta time
I'm waiting for the moment I can show you
And baby girl I want you to know
I"m watching you go
I'm watching you pass me by
It's real love that you don't know about

Today when I saw you alone
I knew I had to come up and approach you
Cuz girl I really gotta let you know
All about the things you made me go through
And now she lookin' at me in the eye
And now you got me hopin' I ain't dreamin' again,

It's real love that you don't know about

Every now and then when I watch you
I wish that I could tell you that I want you
If I could have the chance to talk wit cha
If I could have the chance to walk wit cha
Then I would stop holding it in
And never have to go through this again, again
It's real love that you don't know about

Girl, girl I'm goin' outta my mind
And even though I don't really know you
I must've been runnin' outta time
I'm waiting for the moment I can show you
And baby girl I want you to know
I"m watching you go
I'm watching you pass me by
It's real love that you don't know about

You're the one that I want and no one can take

It from me
No, no, no, no, no
Even though I don't really know you
I got a lot of love I wanna show you
And you'd be right there in front of me
I can see you passin' in front of me
No, no, no
Girl I need your love
Baby I need your love


الموضوع الاصلي  من روعة الكون


قديم 28-10-2007, 12:37   رقم المشاركة : 2 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

أطياف أنثى غير متصل

المستوى: 64 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  157 / 1579

النشاط  3206 / 81996

المؤشر 19%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 37
أطياف أنثى يستحق التميز


يــــ ع ــــطيك الـــ ع ـافــــيهـ
ينــــــــقل للقسم المناسب
اشــ ك ـــرك





قديم 28-10-2007, 01:56   رقم المشاركة : 3 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

ملكـ الرومنتكـ غير متصل

المستوى: 65 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  322 / 1610

النشاط  3404 / 83017

المؤشر 43%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
ملكـ الرومنتكـ يستحق التميز


Girl, girl I'm goin' outta my mind
And even though I don't really know you
I must've been runnin' outta time
I'm waiting for the moment I can show you
And baby girl I want you to know
I"m watching you go
I'm watching you pass me by
It's real love that you don't know about

يسلمووووو يالغلا على الكلامات الرائعه

وتقبلي مروري





قديم 28-10-2007, 03:55   رقم المشاركة : 4 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

『بعثرة مشآعر』 غير متصل

المستوى: 41 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 1006

النشاط  892 / 51900

المؤشر 27%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
『بعثرة مشآعر』 يستحق التميز


Thank you for the kind words

( )





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الساعة الآن 03:27.

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