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Meaning of colors

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 29-10-2007, 05:03
الصورة الرمزية فتاة الصحراء
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
الدولة: in algeria
المشاركات: 1,239
معدل تقييم المستوى: 315
فتاة الصحراء يستحق التميز

افتراضي Meaning of colors


what does each colour mean:
Colors have great influence in our lives. They have their meanings as everything else in life.Let's see together the meaning of each color.

A warm colour is the colour of energy, excitement and vitality. It is also a good grounding colour. Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will also help with depression but it can raise blood pressure or anxiety.

Red, used in a large space, can be welcoming, energising and invigorating, but it can radiate aggression. Red, in a small space, can be cozy, intimate, or claustrophobic.

Orange is a warm colour, a social and exuberant colour and represents ripeness, warmth and happiness. If used extensively, orange can be a very forceful colour, but is also a good grounding colour. It is used to increase immunity, help in all digestive ailments and will have a gentle warming effect if used lightly.

Orange promotes feelings of excitement, can make you feel vibrant, improves appetite, and enhances social interaction

Yellow is a warm colour and the colour of intellect and it is used for mental stimulation, it will help you think quicker. It is also the colour of clarity and insight . It is he first colour seen by newborns and
couples fight more and babies cry more in lemon-coloured rooms

It is the brightest of all colours and has the greatest illuminating power. It is warm and cheerful and stimulates activity, communication, circulation and appetite. However it is not a good colour for nervy people or people easily agitated.

Green Is the colour of harmony and balance. It is good for tired nerves and it helps with the heart area. It will balance the emotions and bring about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing colour.

Green is a restful colour so will aid sleep, it also represents nature, and therefore promotes balance, harmony, peace, hope and stability.

Is the colour of truth, serenity and harmony, by helping to soothe the mind. Blue is good for cooling, calming, reconstructing and protecting. Blue will help feverish conditions, it will help stop bleeding and it will help with nervous irritations. Researchers found that children tested higher on IQ tests in rooms with blue ceilings

Blue, if diluted to a lighter hue, can reduce stress and relieve tension. Is a colour of peace, tranquility and wisdom and can generate a sense of well-being. Blue gives the impression of space and coolness and represents serenity and loyalty.

Purple is a colour that will connect you with your spiritual self. It is good for mental and nervous problems. It will assist very well with rheumatism and epilepsy. Purple is a calming colour and can comfort and relieve strain.

Purple is associated with noble traits such as love, truth and justice. It is dramatic, sophisticated, sensual and imaginative.

Pink / Mauve / Lavender::
The colour's of equilibrium. Lavender can help with spiritual healing and is used as a tranquilliser. All can aid sleep. Lavender is the colour of replenishing and rebuilding, whilst pink and mauve are restful and calming. While red may be considered an energizing colour, pink is the most calming. For this reason the California children's probation department found that violent children had fewer outbursts when placed in a pink room.

Being a tint of red, pink also affects us physically, but it soothes, rather than stimulates. (Interestingly, red is the only colour that has an entirely separate name for its tints

White is the colour of purity. It will purify the body on the highest levels and will bring peace and comfort. Regarded as restful and clean, but too much will appear stark.

White symbolises light, triumph, innocence and joy and it gives the effect of enlarging a space and creates an atmosphere of coolness
]Silver / Greyl:
Silver is the colour of peace and persistence. It is the major purging colour so it is very good for removing unwanted diseases and troubles from the body. Grey, like white, is regarded as restful and clean, but too much will appear stark.

Pure grey is the only colour that has no direct psychological properties. It is, however, quite suppressive.

Black represents an absence of light and colour, but can be a deep and restful contrast. It is sophisticated, elegant, dramatic and formal and gives a feeling of solid strength. It can be powerful, aloof and intimidating

my regards to you

الموضوع الاصلي  من روعة الكون


قديم 29-10-2007, 07:07   رقم المشاركة : 2 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

احساس مؤلم غير متصل

المستوى: 46 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  113 / 1132

النشاط  1222 / 57726

المؤشر 28%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
احساس مؤلم يستحق التميز


Thanks darling for this intersting sentense

Best Wishes





قديم 29-10-2007, 10:13   رقم المشاركة : 3 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

ملكـ الرومنتكـ غير متصل

المستوى: 65 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  322 / 1610

النشاط  3404 / 82588

المؤشر 43%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
ملكـ الرومنتكـ يستحق التميز


مشكووووره يالغلا

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قديم 29-10-2007, 11:23   رقم المشاركة : 4 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

فتاة الصحراء غير متصل

المستوى: 30 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 739

النشاط  413 / 37999

المؤشر 59%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
فتاة الصحراء يستحق التميز


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة احساس مؤلم مشاهدة المشاركة
Thanks darling for this intersting sentense

Best Wishes
thank you sweety for reading my topic





قديم 29-10-2007, 11:25   رقم المشاركة : 5 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

فتاة الصحراء غير متصل

المستوى: 30 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 739

النشاط  413 / 37999

المؤشر 59%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
فتاة الصحراء يستحق التميز


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة $& ملكـ الرومنتكـ &$ مشاهدة المشاركة
مشكووووره يالغلا

على الموضوع الي

وتقبلي مروري
كل اجمل عبارات الشكر مني لك على هذا المرور الاجمل من كل الالوان





قديم 30-10-2007, 08:17   رقم المشاركة : 6 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

『بعثرة مشآعر』 غير متصل

المستوى: 41 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 1006

النشاط  892 / 51631

المؤشر 27%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
『بعثرة مشآعر』 يستحق التميز


I like the subject
Thank you






قديم 30-10-2007, 09:31   رقم المشاركة : 7 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

Dream Angel غير متصل

المستوى: 51 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  125 / 1251

النشاط  1615 / 64126

المؤشر 5%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
Dream Angel يستحق التميز


I like blue


pink colours

It's the must wonderful colours in my life

thanx sweety





قديم 30-10-2007, 10:19   رقم المشاركة : 8 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

فتاة الصحراء غير متصل

المستوى: 30 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 739

النشاط  413 / 37999

المؤشر 59%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
فتاة الصحراء يستحق التميز


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 『بعثرة مشآعر』 مشاهدة المشاركة

I like the subject
Thank you

thanks dear for stopping by here





قديم 30-10-2007, 10:21   رقم المشاركة : 9 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

فتاة الصحراء غير متصل

المستوى: 30 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 739

النشاط  413 / 37999

المؤشر 59%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
فتاة الصحراء يستحق التميز


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Dream Angel مشاهدة المشاركة
I like blue


pink colours

It's the must wonderful colours in my life

thanx sweety
me too i like blue soo much thank you for your nice passage





قديم 31-10-2007, 12:20   رقم المشاركة : 10 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

oOoلسع ـة شقاوهـoOo غير متصل

المستوى: 47 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  116 / 1168

النشاط  1334 / 59902

المؤشر 74%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
oOoلسع ـة شقاوهـoOo يستحق التميز


Pink / Mauve / Lavender::
The colour's of equilibrium. Lavender can help with spiritual healing and is used as a tranquilliser. All can aid sleep. Lavender is the colour of replenishing and rebuilding, whilst pink and mauve are restful and calming. While red may be considered an energizing colour, pink is the most calming. For this reason the California children's probation department found that violent children had fewer outbursts when placed in a pink room.

Being a tint of red, pink also affects us physically, but it soothes, rather than stimulates. (Interestingly, red is the only colour that has an entirely separate name for its tints

White is the colour of purity. It will purify the body on the highest levels and will bring peace and comfort. Regarded as restful and clean, but too much will appear stark.

White symbolises light, triumph, innocence and joy and it gives the effect of enlarging a space and creates an atmosphere of coolness



it`s my favarot color

thanx sweety

accebt my bass






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