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بليز لكل من يعرف انجليزي الدخول ضروري؟%%%%

منتدى اللغات الاجنبية

آخر 10 مشاركات
ذكريات المنتدى 2007 م أين هي ؟
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اسباب البركه في حياتنا.
(الكاتـب : aseeer-com ) (مشاركات : 3) (آخر مشاركة : بسووومي)
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(الكاتـب : norhan2000 ) (مشاركات : 0)
افضل جامعات بالخارج
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قديم 22-11-2007, 05:40   رقم المشاركة : 11 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

reemaaa غير متصل

المستوى: 21 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 504

النشاط  175 / 26154

المؤشر 16%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
reemaaa يستحق التميز


بليز انتظر ردكم ماعاد عندي وقت





قديم 24-11-2007, 02:41   رقم المشاركة : 12 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

أمل^-^ غير متصل

المستوى: 11 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 252

النشاط  48 / 12971

المؤشر 9%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
أمل^-^ يستحق التميز


بصراحه انا ما عندي خلفيه
الله يوفقك انشاء الله





قديم 25-11-2007, 07:48   رقم المشاركة : 13 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

الصورة الرمزية star

إحصائية العضو

star غير متصل

المستوى: 39 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 961

النشاط  791 / 49507

المؤشر 45%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
star يستحق التميز



انا اعرف كثييير لآني اربع وعشرين ساعة بين الأفلام في المدرسة و البيت


بعرف خمسة


high school musical 1+2 ( قصته عن مدرسة ونشاط طلابها و صراع بين الطلاب وبنفس الوقت في رومنسية )

freaky friday ( قصته امرأة تزعل من ابنتها يروحون لمطعم صين ف بتشوفهوم وحدة صينية متزاعلين ف بتطعميهم ***************e يخليهم الأم تصير جسم بنتها و البنت تصير جسم امها وما يرجعوا لشكلهم الطبيعي الا اذا حلوا خلافاتهم كلها )

night in the musiam

the game plan

انشاء الله فدتك





قديم 26-11-2007, 11:29   رقم المشاركة : 14 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

DR-COOL غير متصل

المستوى: 33 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 808

النشاط  512 / 40739

المؤشر 35%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
DR-COOL يستحق التميز


اوكي ولايهمك راح اساعدك ملخص خمس افلام بلغه الانجليزيه

الفلم الاول:
THE FILM: "Frownland, written and directed by Ronald Bronstein

ملخص الفلم:
CLOSER LOOK: Unsettling, yet intriguing film following a few days in the life of a psychologically unstable young man as he veers towards a breakdown. Keith Sontag (Dore Mann), pathologically unable to communicate with others, shares his tiny apartment with a completely obnoxious roommate, and works at one of the most pathetic and hopeless jobs ever - selling coupon books door-to-door for a bullying boss. Mann's performance is really solid - he's one to watch, as is director Bronstein, who shows originality and promise. The other people we meet in the film each have their own issues: Keith's suicidal friend Laura (Mary Wall) spends the first ten minutes of the film crying incoherently and trying to make herself have an allergic reaction to a pillow; later we see her drawing cartoons of various ways she might take her life. Keith's musician roommate is incapable of communicating with others without resorting to rudeness and sarcasm - one can well imagine him as one of those know-everything smartasses who revel in leaving scathing remarks about grammar and syntax errors on people's personal blogs. It's excrutiatingly painful watching Keith try desperately to communicate, and yet you can't help but be drawn to him. In spite of some rough edges, the filmmaker's potential shows through, especially with some great dialogue. The film drags a bit at times and the camera puts you so up close and personal with Keith that it makes you feel uncomfortable; you want to turn away out of politeness due to Keith's suffering, and yet his struggles draw you inexorably into his story.


الفلم الثااني:
THE FILM: "August The First," directed by Lanre Olabis


CLOSER LOOK: Tunde (Ian Alsup, in a solid debut turn) has graduated from college, and to celebrate he's invited a special guest - prodigal father Dipo, who abandoned Tunde, his mother, his brother and sister to move back to Nigeria over ten years earlier. Welcomed only by Tunde, Dipo must face the family he abandoned in an uncomfortable homecoming, while each of the family members, faced with the father and husband who left them behind, must confront complicated feelings about Dipo as they are forced to interact with him or ruin Tunde's party. Like any good dysfunctional family, Tunde's family is full of interpersonal conflicts and drama: Tunde's older brother, Ade, bears hidden resentment over having been made the man of the family at too early an age; his sister, Simisola is hiding a secret from her older husband; his mother Rhonda drowns her anxiety about the reunion with her estranged husband in alcohol; and Dipo himself may have motives other than his son's graduation for making the trip from Nigeria. All these conflicts are brought into play as a tense afternoon wanes into a climactic evening, culminating in a revelation that will challenge everything Tunde thought he knew about his father.

FEST LOVE: Urbanworld Film Festival (audience award); San Francisco Black Film Festival (best feature film). Official selection: SXSW Film Festival, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival; Philadelphia Film Festival.


الفلم الثالث:
THE FILM: "Mississippi Chicken," Directed by John Fiege

ملخص الفلم:

CLOSER LOOK: A scathing docu mentary about the plight of immigrant laborers recruited to the South to work in poultry factories, this film is what Linklater's "Fast Food Nation" could have been, had it stuck more to the format of the book on which it was based. "Mississippi Chicken" follows the interaction and relationship between Anita, an idealistic young woman working to improve the plight of the exploited immigrants, and Guillermina, a resident of a dilapidated immigrant trailer park who scrapes out a living running an off-the-record restaurant out of her roach-infested trailer with her teenage daughter as she struggles to raise the money to bring her other daughters up from Mexico. A powerful indictment of the plight of migrant workers, "Mississippi Chicken" is a wrenching look at what it's like at the bottom of the labor food chain. Shot on 8mm, the film has a gorgeous, saturated, old home-movie look that brings the heat of the southern summer to life on the screen.

FEST LOVE: Official selection: New York International Latino Festival; Austin Film Festival, Miami International Film Festival, Universal Forums of Cultures, African Diaspora Film Festival, and Providence Latin American Film Festival.


يتـــــــــــــــــــبع ,,,,,,,,,,





قديم 26-11-2007, 12:27   رقم المشاركة : 15 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

DR-COOL غير متصل

المستوى: 33 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 808

النشاط  512 / 40739

المؤشر 35%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
DR-COOL يستحق التميز


الفلم الرابع:

THE FILM: "Off The Grid: Life on the Mesa" directed by Jeremy and Randy Stalberg


A scene from "Off the Grid: Life on the Mesa". Image provided by IFPCLOSER LOOK: On a road trip following the death of their father, brothers Jeremy and Randy Stalberg stumbled across a group of outsiders in the New Mexico desert living in a makeshift community called the Mesa. The filmmakers, who first had to get to know their subjects - and find acceptance in a place where "you don't call 9-1-1 if there's a problem, you call 3-5-7," bring us into the lives of several of the Mesa's residents as they explore why these people choose to live in the desert with no electricity, running water, or, in many cases, a source of income. And yet, these self-exiled group of malcon tents, veterans, single mamas and teenage runaways have formed their own relatively peaceful community that goes by its own rules, rebelling against a world of conformity even as they passionately outline the reasons for their patriotism, and declare America the best place on earth to live. More than just an exploration of an alternative lifestyle, Off the Grid: Life on the Mesa gives us compelling look into the minds and lives of people who have chosen freedom and physical hardship over the typical American lifestyle.

FEST LOVE: Ann Arbor Film Festival (jury award); Calgary Underground Film Festival (best ************************ ary); Real to Reel Film Festival (jury award). Official selection: Slamdance, Miami International Film Festival, Florida Film Festival, Silverdocs, Nickel Independent Film Festival, Best documen tary, Lakedance Film Festival, Best Film, Montana Film Festival, Jury Award for documen tary aryFilm, Ojai Film Festival; official selection of Starz Denver Film Festival and Santa Fe Film Festival.


الفلم الخامس:

THE FILM: "Loren Cass", directed by Chris Fuller


CLOSER LOOK: Written and directed by Chris Fuller (who also stars in the film under a pseudonym) at the age of 21, and produced over eight years, "Loren Cass" is about disaffected youth in the aftermath of the 1996 St. Petersburg race riots. The film focuses on three aimless young people: Jason (Travis Maynard) and Cale (Fuller, under the pseudonym Lewis Brogan) vandalize a black driver's car, and a series of racial reprisals ensue. Nicole, a teenage waitress at a diner, makes out with various guys, seemingly without rhyme or reason.

The film plays almost as a series of completely disjointed vignettes of random acts of brutal violence and teenage acting-out and spontaneous combustion, interspersed with a blacked-out screen over which a spoken-word artist adds to the discord. A trumpet score by Jimmy Morey punctuates the film. "Loren Cass" is more like an extended collage of anger and frustration; the dialog is minimal and the plot pretty much non-existant; visuals and the spoken word segments do the talking. This isn't an easy film to watch, you have to work to process what you're seeing and hearing. But art, like life - or the race riots that sparked the filmmaker's imagination - isn't always easy.

FEST LOVE: Starz Denver International Film Festival, Ljubljana International Film Festival, Vienna International Film Festival, Helsinki International Film Festival, Hudson Valley Film and Video Festival, Locarno Film Festival, Cinevegas Film Festival, Bradford International Film Festival, Atlanta Underground Film Festival.

تحيااااااااتي لكـ بتوفيق والنجاح انشالله

واذا في شي مقصر فيه عطيني خبر وانشالله اكون على حسن الظن







قديم 26-11-2007, 12:47   رقم المشاركة : 16 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

DR-COOL غير متصل

المستوى: 33 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 808

النشاط  512 / 40739

المؤشر 35%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
DR-COOL يستحق التميز


(best ************************ ary);

بوضح لك كل شوي ويطلع لي نجوم مدري معنى الكلمه عاديه بس راح اوضحها لكـ

d o c u m e n t a r y

يعني وثائقي..

انتظر ردك اذا كان ناقص شي تحياااااااااااااتي لكـ بتوفيق






قديم 26-11-2007, 12:59   رقم المشاركة : 17 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

ملهـم غير متصل

المستوى: 22 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 541

النشاط  204 / 27666

المؤشر 67%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
ملهـم يستحق التميز


ابي اعرف وينك ؟ التلخيص وجهز وماقصر الرجال لايكون فات الموعد على تسليمها بس

قالتلي عبير عن الموضوع اذا تبغي زياده قولي لي .





قديم 26-11-2007, 01:59   رقم المشاركة : 18 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

ملهـم غير متصل

المستوى: 22 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 541

النشاط  204 / 27666

المؤشر 67%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
ملهـم يستحق التميز



شوفي هاذا يمكن ينفعك اعملي نسخ ولصق وعطيني خبر اذا بغيتي زياده





قديم 27-11-2007, 12:50   رقم المشاركة : 19 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

reemaaa غير متصل

المستوى: 21 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 504

النشاط  175 / 26154

المؤشر 16%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
reemaaa يستحق التميز


يسلمو دكتور كووووووووووول

لا والله ماقصرت وبجد لحقني في اللحظه الاخيره

تسلميها يوم اليوم والحمدالله شفتها قبل الموعد ب6 ساعات

ثنكيووووو لا خلاء ولا عدم كلك ذووووووووووق

ثنكيو اخوي ملهم ماقصرت

عسى ماشر عبير اشفيهااااااااااا
ياليت تطمني عليها قريب لانها ماتخش الماسنجرررررررر

وماتشوفين شر يالغالييييييييييييييييييييه





قديم 30-11-2007, 10:15   رقم المشاركة : 20 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

احاول اتواضع غير متصل

المستوى: 31 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 768

النشاط  452 / 39665

المؤشر 74%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
احاول اتواضع يستحق التميز


بالتوفيق يا

قلبووووو وانشالله ما نقصر

طمنينا وش يصير معك





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الساعة الآن 08:46.

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