*+* it's all About sLaNG *+*
what's sLaNG !
It is a type of informal verbal communication
that is generally unacceptable for formal writing.
It consists of words and expressions which will not be found
in the dictionary, and can be distortions of existing words
or entirely invented terms. It is used in informal situations.
It is not appropriate in formal situations.
* + * + * + *
* Examples of Slang *
Awesome : excellent
Chill out : Relax
Cool : good, excellent
shorty = the person we love , lover
Bad : actually meaning Good hehe
Whack : bad, unfair
wicked = irresistible , great
Dude : Person, mostly man
chicks = girls
fellas = boys , guys
what it's up ? : what's going on?
yup: yes
dumb: fool
I'm gonna = I am going to
I wanna = I want to
Are you nuts = Are you crazy
toilet = can
cheap = cheesy
coward - chicken
police = cops
cram = study very hard
A pain in the ass hehe :P =someone really annoying
bummer = very good
framily = family and friend and it's used only in UK
a shit = something good
slang language was a TABOO for the aristocratic families in the 20th century
and was used only by low class people ( cokney ) but now
it's not a TABOO anymore and is used by
if anyone has some slang words in the mind
i hope they can share it here with us
wish ya all da best
luv always
الموضوع الاصلي
من روعة الكون