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Real Feelings of Girls :

منتدى اللغات الاجنبية

آخر 10 مشاركات
ذكريات المنتدى 2007 م أين هي ؟
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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 12-12-2007, 06:23
الصورة الرمزية ஜ غــــرآآآمـــ ஜ
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2007
الدولة: ينبــ,ـعـ البحــ,ــرــ,
المشاركات: 504
معدل تقييم المستوى: 191
ஜ غــــرآآآمـــ ஜ يستحق التميز

Hearts1 Real Feelings of Girls :

Real Feelings of Girls :

. When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't
crying, it means she's crying in her heart.
When she ignores you after you've done

something wrong, it's best to give her some
time to cool down before touching her heart
with an apology

guy she loves (which is why it is so hard . A girl can't find anything to hate about the for
her to 'get over him' after the relationship's

If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on

her mind every minute of the day, even
though she flirts with other guys.

When the guy she likes smiles and stares

deep into her eyes, she will melt

A girl likes to hear compliments, but
usually not sure how to react to them

. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very
often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes
her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go
easy on the smiles and stare ok?

If you don't like a girl who likes you, break
it to her gently

. If a girl starts avoiding you after you reject
her, leave her alone for a while. If you still
treat her as a friend, talk to her.
. Girls enjoy talking about what they feel.
Music, poetry, drawings and writing are ways
of expressing themselves (which explains why
most girls like writing journals).
. Never tell a girl that she is useless in

. Being too serious can turn a girl off.
. When the guy she likes calls her for the
first time, the girl may act uninterested during
the call. But as soon as the phone is back on
the hook, she will whoop with joy and
immediately start telephoning her friends to
spread the news.
. A smile means a lot to a girl.

. If you like a girl, try making friends with her
first. Let her get to know you

. If a girl says she can't go out with you
because she has to study, leave.
But if she still calls you or expect a call
from you, stay.

. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask
. Hearing the words "I love you" is a great
reassurance to a girl that she is beautiful.

. After a girl falls in love with a guy, she'll
wonder why she never noticed him before.

. If you need tips on how to flirt with a girl,
read romance stories.

. When class pictures come out, a girl
would first check who is standing next to
her crush before actually looking at herself.

. A girl's ex-crush will always be in her
memory, but the guy she loves now stays in
her heart.
Girls love having fun!

[color=#4B0082]. A simple 'Hi' can brighten a girl's day.

. A girl's best friends usually know best
what she is feeling and going through.

Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to
them just to get close to their 'prettier' friend.

. Love means devotion, caring and
happiness to a girl, in that order.

Some girls care about looks, some care
about brains, but ALL girls want a guy who
will love and care for them.

Girls want nothing more than to feel

الموضوع الاصلي  من روعة الكون


قديم 12-12-2007, 08:16   رقم المشاركة : 2 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

pinkatgirl غير متصل

المستوى: 2 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 40

النشاط  5 / 2052

المؤشر 62%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
pinkatgirl يستحق التميز


When the guy she likes smiles and stares

deep into her eyes, she will melt

melt, oh yeah................>>That's really true...............thank you sister for those awesome lines





قديم 13-12-2007, 05:12   رقم المشاركة : 3 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

ஜ غــــرآآآمـــ ஜ غير متصل

المستوى: 20 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 493

النشاط  168 / 24995

المؤشر 73%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
ஜ غــــرآآآمـــ ஜ يستحق التميز








قديم 13-12-2007, 10:42   رقم المشاركة : 4 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

oOoلسع ـة شقاوهـoOo غير متصل

المستوى: 47 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  116 / 1168

النشاط  1334 / 60210

المؤشر 74%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
oOoلسع ـة شقاوهـoOo يستحق التميز


A smile means a lot to a girl.

sure it`s

thank you

pass by to say Hi





قديم 13-12-2007, 11:06   رقم المشاركة : 5 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

سـاعـي الـغـرام غير متصل

المستوى: 2 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 43

النشاط  5 / 2198

المؤشر 74%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
سـاعـي الـغـرام يستحق التميز


ثانكس ماي سستر فور ذس [موضوع] لو ابي اكتب الكلام

اللي كتبتيه يبيلي على الاقل تو ييرز ستنين على الاقل

ومشكوره اختي على المجهوود وصراحه لوتفتحون قسم للغه
الهنديه صراحه افت لك فيها فت انا معي كورس لغه هنديه
[[مايقصر هندي بقالتنا كل يوم يجيب لي كلمه جديده]]

ولـــكــــم تــــحـــيــــاتــي:ســـاعـــي الــــغـــرامــــ





قديم 14-12-2007, 08:07   رقم المشاركة : 6 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

إحصائية العضو

hasanout غير متصل

المستوى: 31 [♥ Bأ©-Yأھu ♥]
الحياة  0 / 774

النشاط  461 / 39919

المؤشر 97%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
hasanout يستحق التميز


Girls want nothing more than to feel

Men too

thanks alot for this wonderful topic





موضوع مغلق

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

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الساعة الآن 06:30.

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