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قصائد للأم بالإنجليزي إدخل واقرا وقول رأيك

مــنــتــدى الــخــواطــر و الــنــثــر

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ذكريات المنتدى 2007 م أين هي ؟
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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 13-08-2007, 03:52
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
المشاركات: 479
معدل تقييم المستوى: 188
هدافة يستحق التميز

0004 قصائد للأم بالإنجليزي إدخل واقرا وقول رأيك

هذه قصايد أهديها لأمي الغالية (الله يطول بعمره ) وأهديها لكل أم عربية مثلها عانت ::::

وطبعا أمهاتكم بشكل خاص خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ

M - O - T - H - E - R
"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,

Put them all together, they spell
Super Mom

Mom, you're a wonderful mother,
So gentle, yet so strong.
The many ways you show you care
Always make me feel I belong.

You're patient when I'm foolish;
You give guidance when I ask;
It seems you can do most anything;
You're the master of every task.

You're a dependable source of comfort;
You're my cushion when I fall.
You help in times of trouble;
You support me whenever I call.

I love you more than I can express;
You have my total respect.
If I had my choice of mothers,
You'd be the one I'd select
A word that means the world to me.
__________________________________________________ ______
What "Mother" Means

"Mother" is such a simple word,
But to me there’s meaning seldom heard.
For everything I am today,
My mother’s love showed me the way.

I’ll love my mother all my days,
For enriching my life in so many ways.
She set me straight and then set me free,
And that’s what the word "mother" means to me.

Thanks for being a wonderful mother, Mom!
__________________________________________________ _____
You Let Me Know You Love Me

You let me know you love me
In so many different ways.
You make me feel important
With encouragement and praise.

You're always there when I need you
To comfort and to care.
I know I'm in your thoughts;
Your love follows me everywhere.

Thank you for all you've done
And given so generously.
I love you, my wonderful mother;
You're a heaven-sent blessing to me.
__________________________________________________ _______
I Learned From You

I learned about love from you,
Watching your caring ways.
I learned about joy from you
In fun-filled yesterdays.

From you I learned forgiving
Of faults both big and small.
I learned what I know about living
From you, as you gave life your all.

The example you set is still with me
I'd never want any other.
I'm thankful for all that you taught me,
A Thousand Thanks

Mother's Day brings to mind
The thousands of things you did for me
that helped make me happier,
stronger and wiser,
because I had you as a role model.

I'm grateful for all the times
you healed my hurts
and calmed my fears,
so that I could face the world
feeling safe and secure.

I'm thankful for all you showed me
about how to love and give--
lessons that now bring
so many blessings to me
each and every day.

Your sacrifices and unselfishness
did not go unnoticed, Mom.
I admire you, I respect you,
I love you.
And I'm so glad you're my mother!
Nobody's Like You, Mom

Nobody's quite like you, Mom.
You're special in every way.
You cheer me up, you fill my cup
With tenderness, come what may.

Nobody loves me like you, Mom.
No matter what I do,
Good or bad, happy or sad,
You support me; You always come through.

Nobody's equal to you, Mom.
With you in my life, I'm blessed.
I love you so, and I want you to know
I think you're the very best!
Extra Special Mom

Mom, you’ve always been the best
A better mom than all the rest.
I’m thankful for all the things you do
I’m glad my mom is extra special you!

On Mother’s Day, I want you to know
You’re the greatest mom, and I love you so.
There’s one more thing I want to say:
I wish you Happy Mother’s Day!
Best Mom Award

For all the things I didn't say,
About how I felt along the way--
For the love you give and the work you've done,
Here's appreciation from your admiring son.

You cared for me as a little tot,
When all I did was cry a lot,
And as I grew your work did too--
I ran and fell and got black and blue.

I grew some more and it didn't stop.
Now you had to become a cop
To worry about mistakes I'd make.
You kept me in line for my own sake.

I got older, and the story repeated;
You were always there whenever I needed.
You guided me and wished me the best,
I became wiser and knew I was blessed.

So, for all the times I didn't say,
The love I felt for you each day,
Mom, read this so you can always see
Just how much you mean to me.

Mom, Thanks for everything!
I’m Happy You’re My Mom

I’m happy you’re my mom,
‘Cause you take good care of me.
You love me and you show it,
So I’m as happy as can be!

I love you very much,
And so I want to say,
Thank you for all you do,
And Happy Mother’s Day!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mommy, I Love You

Mommy, I know you love me
By the way you show you care.
You hug me oh, so gently;
When I need you, you’re always there.

Mommy, I’ll love you always
From my heart, I want to say
I’m so glad you are my mommy;
Happy Mother’s Day!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mother Is The Best

My mom is really great;
She’s sweet as she can be;
When I need some help, I know
She’s always there for me.

Mom loves me all the time,
Even when I’m a pest;
She always takes good care of me;
My mother is the best.
Love Is A Mother’s Gift

When God made mothers, He took great care
To fill their hearts with love so rare.
Their children are their greatest prize;
You can see the great love in your mother’s eyes.

Love, love is a mother’s gift
To their precious children, their hearts to lift.
Warm, tender and giving love
That grows them up healthy and happy.

Thank you, mother for all you give
To help me grow and to help me live.
I will love you forevermore,
My mother, my mom, whom I adore.

Who is a mother?
a mother is a woman,
a wife, a child-bearer
and a home maker..

Who is a mother?
A mother is a great teacher,
a knowledge passer, a great mentor
and a hope planter.

Who is a mother?
a mother is a foreseer
a future builder, a great thinker
and a role-model.

Who is a mother?
a mother is a motivator,
a creative person, a talent flourisher
and a potential unlocker.

Who is a mother?
a mother is a problem solver,
a peace maker, a sensitive person
and a risk taker.

Who is a mother?
a mother is a compassionate person,
a shoulder to lean on, and the
first person to talk to, in times of crises.

You are so special and kind
And I love you so
You helped to build my mind
And I want you to know.
The thought of you by me
Just makes me smile.
We are so close
Forever and not just a while.
I appreciate you mother
And I love all your style.
Mother and Child

A mother's love begins
Before the child is born
And lasts through time
And difficulties
And differences
And many wounds
And days of joy
And days of sorrow
Winding, wearing
Weeping, sharing
Until, at the end
What remains
Is that solid core
That began as love
Before the child was born.

God's Gift

My Mother is a special gift,
A special gift that God gave to me.
I'd be lost and lonely without her,
If God took her away you see.
I love her so very much,
That I couldn't bear to live without her healing touch.
Thank-you God for giving me such a loving Mother,
For I wouldn't want to be a part of no other..

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